For our bees’ sake…and our’s !

Artificial insemination has been used for several years in beekeeping in order to help prevent Varroa infestation, a deadly parasite which can wipe out entire bee colonies. With this technique...

Antifreeze – Deadly for our pets

Ethylene glycol is extremely toxic. It is a powerful antifreeze used in screen wash, car radiators and transmission fluid. Make sure you do not spill any of the liquid when you refill your screen...

Antibiotic resistance affects us all !

Many people die every week because the antibiotic that should cure them is not effective anymore. Although a lot of infectious diseases in people and animals can be treated without the use of...

Toxic for your pet ?

Do you know which plants are toxic for your pet ? Our plants and flowers can be dangerous for our pets. Here is a non-comprehensive list of toxic plants (the very toxic plants are highlighted in...